Be True to YOUR School

. . . that is, after all, how the song goes.  But if you want to be true to MY school, that’s OK too.

I don’t get rabid college sports fans who didn’t actually attend the school they favor.  Then again, I believe that student-athletes should actually have to be students and that universities shouldn’t just be a big farm system for the NBA and NFL, but I don’t think about that too hard when I’m loving on my school or my 8-clap starts to fade.

Although I now arguably have two schools – UCLA, where I attended undergrad, and The University of Arizona, where I work (this may be the only time I’m grateful that my law school wasn’t affiliated with an undergrad campus) – and even though I may secretly own a UofA Football t-shirt that I DEFINITELY NEVER WEAR OUTSIDE THE HOUSE, there’s never been any question that I’ll always be a Bruin.

And my alma mater does have the most beautiful campus on Earth.  That much is indisputable.

Go Bruins!

(p.s. Happy 229th Birthday, Los Angeles!  You look mahvelous.)

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